Grapes, 7 Booth Street West, Chorlton on Medlock, Manchester, Lancashire

Manchester pub history index

Licensing registers list the Grapes Inn, 7 Booth Street West (at 57 Booth Street west pre-1863) from 1809 to 1968. A Walker & Homfray Pub, then later Wilsons.  *

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Manchester, Lancashire.

Residents at this address

1829/William Hodgson/../../Pigot’s Directory *

1841/William Hodgson/../../Pigot and Slater’s Directory *

1847/William Hodgson/../../Slater’s Directory *

1850/John Miller/../../Slater’s Directory *

1863/Richard Hodgkinson/../../Slater’s Directory *

1876/Thomas Billington/../../Slaters Directory

1881/Patrick McDonough/Manager Public House/28/Ireland/Census *
1881/Mary E. McDonaugh/Wife/Manchester, Lancashire, England/Census
1881/Andrew Lucas/Servant Waiter (Inn)/24/Ireland/Census
1881/Hannah Dale/General Servant/14/Manchester, Lancashire, England/Census

1883/Thomas Billington/../../Slaters Directory

1886/Thomas Pickering/../../Slater’s Directory *

1895/John Carney/../../Slaters Directory

1903/John Carney/../../Slater’s Directory *

1911/John Carney/../../Slaters Directory

1929/Patrick Morley/../../Slaters Directory

* Provided By Tony Yardley

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 11:58:35 GMT