Angel, Silver Hill, Winchester, Hampshire

Winchester pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hampshire .

Residents at this address

In 1851 at 19 Silver Hill, St Maurice, Winchester
Lewis Lewis, Shoemaker chelsea pensioner & publican, aged 45 and born in Bristol, Gloucestershire
E Lewis, Wife, aged 38 and born in Cheriton, Hampshire
John Mathews, Lodger, Labourer, aged 68 and born in Winton, Hampshire
Sarah Wheeler, Lodger, Servant, aged 60 and born in Winton, Hampshire
E Hines, Lodger, Servant, aged 30 and born in Winton, Hampshire
H Blake, Lodger, Servant, aged 36 and born in Bristol, Gloucestershire

1855, L Lewis, Angel, Silver Hill, Winchester

1859, Lewis Lewis, victualler, Angel, Silver hill

In 1861 at The Angel, Silver Hill, St Maurice, Winchester
Lewis Lewis, Inn keeper & chelsea pensioner, aged 56 and born in Bristol, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Lewis, Wife, aged 50 and born in Cheriton, Hampshire
Jane Lee, House servant, aged 20 and born in Twyford, Hampshire
James B Dowery, Visitor, House painter, aged 40 and born in Devon

Hampshire Chronicle. 22 August 1868
Angel Inn, Silver Hill, Winchester.
Furniture, Feather Beds, Blankets, Linen, Clock, Barrel Stands, Garden Pots, Dahlia Stands, Tulip Frames, and Miscellaneous Effects.
T S Morris will SELL by Auction, on the premises without reserve, on Tuesday next, the 35th of August - the Effects at the Angel Inn.

And Last updated on: Saturday, 16-Mar-2024 13:16:34 GMT