Boot Inn, King Street, Devonport

Devonport pub history index

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Devon .

The address in the 1911 census is at 12 Albany street, at the junction with King street.

Residents at this address.

1911/Thomas Frederick Brooks/Licensed Victualler/45/Horrabridge, Devon/Census
1911/Jessie Brooks/Wife, Assistant/42/Crown Hill, Devon/Census
1911/Henry Frederick Brooks/Son/15/Hoar Cross, Staffordshire/Census
1911/Albert A Brooks/Son/13/Hoar Cross, Staffordshire/Census
1911/Gwendoline J Brooks/Daughter/8/Plymouth, Devon/Census
1911/Annie Thomas/Visitor, Dressmaker/29//Census

1914/Thomas Frederick Brooks/../../../Kellys Directory

1919/Thomas Frederick Brooks/../../../Kellys Directory

16th January 1929 :
My Grandfathers (Lester Lewis Penter) marriage Certificate states he was living at the Boot Inn Devonport. His father (Lewis Lester Penter) down as a publican. *

My Grandfather, Lester Lewis Penter, went on to be a publican of The Commercial Hotel Saltash (now The Brunel); until his death in 1946.

+ Provided by Paul Allcock

And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 12:36:54 GMT